Timetable and membership

First time to the studio – choose any 3 classes for £15…. 


Hot A – A blend of Ashtanga and Bikram created by Absolute Yoga Thailand, combining standing and floor postures. Suitable for all levels

Hot B – From your bones to your skin…..the original Bikram sequence. 26 Postures and 2 breathing exercises

Hotflow – A traditional system composed of a series of postures linked together to create a powerful vigorous flow. The practice combines breath, energy locks, focus and a flow of postures to create a moving meditation

Silent* Hot B – the Bikram sequence taught in silence as a guided moving mediation. Must have a minimum of 3 months regular Bikram (Hot B) practice before attending this class 

Hot 1 Hr Blast – A 60 minute hot yoga sequence including standing and floor postures.

Pilates – This class aims to correct/improve posture by strengthening the weaker muscle groups and lengthening the overused muscles in your body.

Hatha – A non-heated class. Each week we will focus on a different area of the body. For example Hips/Spine/Core

Yin – A quiet practice originating in the east via the discipline of King Fu. This class will improve your flexibility and concentration. You will focus on ligaments and tendons to open and relieve muscular tension and stress.

Hot Pilates – Intermediate level. Not suitable for beginners.

  • 10am and 11am Classes are 90 mins
  • Lunchtime classes are 45 mins
  • 6:15 classes are 90 mins
  • 8:15 classes are 60 mins
  • Saturday Yin is 90 mins
  • Drop-in Class  – £10
  • 5     Classes –  £45 (Valid for 6 months)
  • 10    Classes – £85 (Valid for 6 months)
  • Monthly Unlimited –  £76 (10% discount off £76 for students – must show student card)
  • Off peak monthly membership –  £48 (Membership runs Mon-Fri only for the 10am and 12:30 classes)
  • 1 week unlimited yoga for £30
  • 30 day challenge – £80
Our policy is to supply mats for your convenience as part of your practice


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