
Timetable update for March

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bikram-yoga-benefitsHello fellow yogis

We have updated our timetable for March so please make sure you check it out ….

We are excited to introduce another Yin class to our schedule which will be starting as of the 5 th March at 8:15.

The Sunday morning class will be at 10am starting next Sunday 1st March.

Watch out for new classes in April:

  • A brand new Hot sequence exclusive to Infinity
  •  A new Hot Blast class at 7am

If you haven’t already done so, please “Like” our Facebook page.

Our new website will be going “live” within the next few days ….so stay posted

Look forward to seeing you on the mat at Infinity Hot Yoga soon


A Yogini’s Quest – Dianne Tayles can’t wait to have you back!

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As you guys know as Yoga teachers it is so important for us to constantly update our skills and practice – knowing one form of yoga is never enough! There is so much out in the great wide world to learn and so many wonderful teacher trainers to learn from. As teachers we have our own yoga gurus and practices that mean something to us as individuals, and collectively we all have something different to offer. As you can imagine this growth and learning is non-stop. We are really happy and so proud to announce that Dianne Tayles one of our Bikram Yoga teachers (Hot B) has been in training with Yoga Haven to further advance her skills …. Dianne we are really looking forward to having you back to teach all that you have learnt on your new course and wish you so much luck on furthering your yoga journey and teaching with us here at Infinity Yoga Glasgow





February – you are the warrior

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You are a Warrior
“Whatever you are physically ….male or female, strong or weak– all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” – Cassandra Clare

So its almost February – you’ve worked hard over the new year and your really starting to gain the benefits from your yoga practice. Its been tough staying in the hot room for the whole 90 mins, several times a week or more but now you have made it! A good month in and you’ve built up both physical and mental stamina. So now your task for February is to keep it up , the benefits will keep coming and you can now really begin to enjoy the journey …..oh and what a journey its going to be

We have new membership prices so check out the timetable and membership link above…….see you in the hot room


Infinity Team xxx

Re-Focus for December

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Hotflow 6:15pm Monday
Bring in your focus for December



Change of email address for Infinity

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Everyone please be aware that 



Please use 


for all enquires

Chaturanga Dandasana

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chaturanga-dandasana3This asana means ‘four limb stick pose’ and the aim is to make the body as rigid as a stick, without collapsing in any area. This makes it a highly active asana where opposing forces must be used intelligently to counteract gravity. There is a line that runs throughout the body, keeping the torso, hips and legs with even distribution.  The student has to achieve this straight line, working against gravity. To do this the body must be held rigidly, the pelvis must find its neutral position, and the body has to be stretched out from a central point at the navel, with the upper body held steady while the heels are stretched in the opposite direction. This is what provides the necessary tension – like a pull me push me, keep the body firm and steady.

Latest Infinity News

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Come in from the cold

Here’s the latest news from Infinity Yoga:

•       We are adding 2 great new classes to the schedule

•       Changes to the times of weekend classes for winter

The 2 new classes are:

Monday nights at 6.15pm – Hot Flow

A traditional system composed of a series of postures linked together to create a powerful vigorous flow. The practice combines breath, energy locks, focus and a flow of postures to create a moving meditation.

Fridays at 6.15pm SILENT Hot B

This is the Bikram (Hot B) sequence taught in silence as a guided moving meditation. To take part in this class you must have minimum 3 months regular Bikram (Hot B) practice.

Changes to Weekend morning classes:

Based on your feedback we will only run one class each on Saturday and Sundaymornings.

The new schedule starts when the clocks go back so from this Sunday (27 October) the morning class will be Hot B and is at 11am.

Starting next weekend (Saturday 2 November), the Saturday class will be at10am and is Hot A.

There is no change to the class times this Saturday (26 October) – 9am Hot B and11am Hot A.

We hope to see all of our weekend regulars and maybe even some more of you coming along to beat the winter chill at the new weekend times –  Hot A Saturday at 10am and Hot B on Sundays at 11am.


Colette, Gemma & Jamie

Some like it hot

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Hot Yoga
Infinity Yoga in the Merchant City was created by Colette Ward, an established yoga and pilates teacher with over 12 years teaching experience. After qualifying as a Bikram instructor in LA headquarters in 2001 she then proceeded to qualify in Iyengar, Pre/postnatal yoga, Vinyasa, Pilates, Yin yoga and Hatha-flow/Meditation
The ethos of Infinity is to offer a unique experience of high quality yoga to heat up your life in the heart of the city.
Our teaching team Colette, Gemma and Jamie and/or Bikram/Absolute certified and are all registered members of Yoga Alliance.

Its all about you…yes you

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Its all about you

Infinity Yoga & Pilates is based on the belief that our customers’ needs are the most important, our aim is to offer you a variety of classes that will help you continually grow in your practise, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned yogi we are here to guide you on your journey of a lifetime.